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rating rating rating rating rating 4.7 Stars, 36389 page views    
Length: 3:03
Rated Mature by 7 people. Recommended for Ages 18+

Sandra hits back even when she's out.


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by robertmaina254265  
Sandra is the epitome of kicking ass and looking cool while doing it. Those groin kicks that led to Mister B surrendering the phone was pure comedy. Nice touch on the music too. Gave me Tekken vibes. ()
by christianryverjr910  
Woman be like : So much ezz 😌 she even can answer the call while beating a man ()
by Ryubusa  
Just watching Sandra kicking ass, turns me on. ()
by lom  
i love it ()
by darksilver  
I like it, much better than the previous one. Deadman18 is right, your pain reactions could be improved. ()
by deadman18  
clip was good please fix your face reaction to pain, you should look hurt not stupid ()
by shannonboyx  
It was a cool video. I like how she was beating him up nd still able to answer her phone. Comedy, and action my two favorites. ()