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rating rating rating rating rating 4.75 Stars, 24777 page views    
Length: 1:44
Rated Mature by 1 person. Recommended for Ages 18+

Be careful how you look, your eyes may get you in trouble.


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by pontiradio94264  
This an awesomely entertaining fight sequence. More realistic than most. She uses her legs and a lot of kicks, which is necessary for a woman vs man fight. Women are closer to men in Lower body strength than upper body strength. Her character tries to use quickness, skill, and defensive moves to win the fight. Very well choreographed. ()
by robertmaina254265  
Do you want to know what happens when you decide to touch, after hearing the phrase "You can look but you can't touch", you'll find your answer in this clip. The fight choreography is well done and the elegant Sophia executes them perfectly. ()
by BoldButterfly  
Ten kicks in aa second just wow to this girl. She got it! ()
by raul07  
lameo for real ()