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rating rating rating rating rating 4.85 Stars, 32318 page views    
Length: 5:16
Rated Mature by 2 people. Recommended for Ages 18+

The final, beautiful day of his life.

This is a two-part DeadlyDymes Double-Take. Which version is your favorite? Leave your comments down below!

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by Jonnydg  
This girl is so flexible. The way she raised that guy up had me shook a little ()
by Jacobini  
This is my favorite so far, she is a real badass. Wouldn't wanna mess with her for the sake of my crotch ()
by Dominickyc  
Oshun is so strong, ragdolling that boy like he's a damn pillow ()
by gebbers1952644  
Dang! Even if this guy survived such a brutal beat down he wouldn't have a future. Oshun made sure of that with those earth-shattering nut shots. ()
by robertmaina254265  
Oshun has got to have set a world record for the most dished-out nut shots. I've never seen anyone get manhandled like that before. ()
by Edwilliamberg282  
This was really great all round, oshun is so powerful that man couldn't muster an offense. Plus the neck snap at the end, very vampire-like ()
by Keyone95736  
She is a beautiful and flexible girl. Her moves do not look too awkward and give off a mysterious vibe. It is indeed sweet torture. The guy resisted for a couple of seconds and endured all the beatings until the end.  ()
by pontiradio94264  
That first sequence, Man i felt it all like if I was there, when she climb up the kitchen and grab the apple I thought she was about to do a Frog splash on him, that would have been funny to see actually. ()
by demetre_meadz236  
Sweet Torture was a wild ride, I don't know how she managed to do those roundhouse kicks so well but she went all in, and even I felt the hit from that finishing move ()
by christianryverjr910  
The sexiest clip I've ever seen, man loses his whole life in 5 minutes lololol ()
by SalaciousD  
I normally find neck breaks off-putting but this one is the sexiest ever! Also the kicks are all breathtakingly beautiful! Great production here ()
by RafiqDaMan  
That's truely torture. I can feel his pain. Want to see more ()
by tamakeri  
Best ever. More like this one, my Friends! Oshun is already just LEGEND! ()
by bone180  
Loved the groin kicks after the KO and neck break! Loved the look into the camera too after the stomp! Awesome editing too! ( +1)
by tamakeri  
Oh my God. That was incredible! VICTORY! Oshun is worth 1 million dollars, so i hope she is well compensated. THE GREATEST DYME EVER. That axe stomp! OHM that was cool. All of shelf, 100$ grade A awesomeness. THANK YOU! ()
by bigaction  
Victory version hands-down. EPIC neck break. ()