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rating rating rating rating rating 4.8 Stars, 12785 page views    
Length: 5:19
Rated Mature by 2 people. Recommended for Ages 18+

A deadly new warrior emerges.


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by Plutops  
Oshun has always been captivating, those takedowns and strikes was perfect. I reckon she is even good enough to go to the UFC ()
by robertmaina254265  
Things to expect when facing Oshun are ball-busting nut shots, brutal leg chokes that may lead to neck breaks, and amazing drip. She is the incarnation of violence. ()
by pontiradio94264  
Well she can handle herself that's for sure. The kicking on the nuts sequence was merciless, a never too old classic. You can tell she is great at what she do cause of the face expressions. Keep posting ()
by demetre_meadz236  
Truly and underrated actress, I'm always looking forward to her videos and her disarms are comically accurate lol ()
by k1shin  
Amazing video. Great fighting style like the classics. Love the neck break! ()
by tamakeri  
Y'all, I come back every week to see if there is a sequel yet! LOL ( +1)
by opponent12  
Great video, definitely my favorite of all the videos I've bought from here in the last couple years, she is beautiful and delivers moves well. I assume maybe she isn't comfortable with it, but it would be nice if she had made a few taunts at him at least, she is mute the whole time. ()
by blakkghozt  
Amazing shoot. Brutal blows from start to finish ( +3)
by bigaction  
She is VICIOUS! ( +1)
by Jedi419  
Great! More clips like this would be awesome. Can you do more video themes like the super self defense and the lesson video? And if possible could those two come back for more videos? ( +2)