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rating rating rating rating rating 4.55 Stars, 24427 page views    
Length: 4:28
Rated Mature by 1 person. Recommended for Ages 18+

Shannon meets London in a secluded corner of the woods to settle out their feud.


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by robertmaina254265  
London's costume gave me Mortal Komabt vibes. Their showdown was slow-paced but the neck-break finisher was unique. ()
by actionfan  
London's costumes are legit, the actresses are skilled and the fighting intense and realistic, but this video just sucked. His Sonya series was mind-blowing but this, my friends, was a waste of credits. ()
by ignacioserv  
i agree with the guys. So bad and boring... so disapointed... ()
by Precelis  
What Maurice said is true ! More, another death by neckbreak, neckbreak, neckbreak, all is neckbreak !!!! Please try new, it's boring... ( -1)
by Maurice  
Another one that goes straight to the recycle bin. Seriously, the quality has taken a nose dive since the incredible Savage Sisters release. The sad part is that this video cost almost twice as much as Savage Sisters... and it's not even half as good. ( -1)
by babyboy1030  
Pretty good. Would like to see Shannon work with Mister B again. ()